xHiPP: eXtended Hierarchical Point Placement Strategy

About the Software
The complexity and size of data have created challenges to data analysis. Although point placement strategies have gained popularity in the last decade to yield a global view of multidimensional datasets, few attempts have been made to improve visual scalability and offer multilevel exploration in the context of multidimensional projections and point placement strategies. Such approaches can be helpful in improving the analysis capability both by organizing visual spaces and allowing meaningful partitions of larger datasets. In this paper, we extend the Hierarchy Point Placement (HiPP), a strategy for multi-level point placement, in order to enhance its analytical capabilities and flexibility to handle current trends in visual data science. We have provided several combinations of clustering methods and projection approaches to represent and visualize datasets; added a choice to invert the original processing order from cluster-projection to projection-cluster; proposed a better way to initialize the partitions, and added ways to summarize image, audio, text and general data groups. The tool’s code is made available online. In this article, we present the new tool (named xHiPP) and provide validation through case studies with simpler and more complex datasets (text and audio) to illustrate that the capabilities afforded by the extensions have managed to provide analysts with the ability to quickly gain insight and adjust the processing pipeline to their needs.
Available at: https://github.com/fabiofelix/xHiPP
DIAS, F. F.; MINGHIM, R.. xHiPP: eXtended Hierarchical Point Placement Strategy. (2018). ISSN: 2377-5416. DOI: 10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2018.00053