Sherlon Almeida da Silva
Ph.D. Students
Has experience in Computer Science, focusing on Computer Vision and High Performance Computing.

DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F. Evaluating Visual Analytics for Relevant Information Retrieval in Document Collections. Interacting With Computers (2023). ISSN: 18737951. DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwad019
DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F. Evaluating visual analytics for text information retrieval. (2021). ISSN: . DOI:
DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F.. Evaluating visual analytics for text information retrieval. Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2021). ISSN: . DOI: 10.1145/3472301.3484320
FERRAO, ISADORA G.; DA SILVA, SHERLON A.; PIGATTO, DANIEL F.; BRANCO, KALINKA R. L. J. C.. GPS Spoofing: Detecting GPS Fraud in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 2020 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2020 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2020 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE) (2020). ISSN: . DOI: 10.1109/lars/sbr/wre51543.2020.9307036
FERRAO, I. G.; CHERVINSKI, J. O.; SILVA, S. A.; KREUTZ, D.; IMMICH, R.; KEPLER, F.; RIGHI, R. R.. Urnas Eletrônicas no Brasil: linha do tempo, evolução e falhas e desafios de segurança. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO APLICADA (2019). ISSN: 21766649. DOI: 10.5335/rbca.v11i2.9056
MARQUES GARCIA, ADRIANO; SCHEPKE, CLAUDIO; GONCALVES GIRARDI, ALESSANDRO; ALMEIDA DA SILVA, SHERLON. Power Consumption of Parallel Programming Interfaces in Multicore Architectures: A Case Study. 2018 Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD) (2018). ISSN: . DOI: 10.1109/wscad.2018.00021